Best $1.99 Ive ever spent!
1) Gives you a view of what your discretionary cash for the month really is.
2) Allows you & your significant other to update the same account from multiple devices real time.
3) Gives you & your significant other a common language to talk about money.
4) Helps you learn more about money tracking as you learn how to use the app.
5) If you track your spending real time, you become more aware of your spending habits.
6) Excellent support from the developer.
7) Very flexible & easy to make work for your personal situation (but it takes some time to learn how to do this)
8) Once you have it all set-up its super easy to use.
9) You dont link to other on-line financial accounts. Some people find this a downside but personally I dont like the apps that require access to all my financial accounts to update. It just makes me nervous from a security standpoint. This requires you to manually update as you spend & receive money. The upside of this is you are more aware of what you are spending & whether or not you actually have the extra money to spend, so you will likely spend less & make more conscious decisions about your spending. (I know I do.) Its kind of like Weight Watchers for your wallet.
The app does take a little time to get used to & you have to play with it some to learn how to it works but getting a handle on your finances takes time to do it properly, no matter what app you use.
Pilmani about Liquid Personal Finance